Dance Immersion, Artist Spotlight: Tyrell Black

Wow! Being recognized by Dance Immersion. The same Dance Immersion that is constantly producing, promoting and supporting dancers and dances of the African Diaspora. As someone of the African Diaspora, I can say this is a heart filled moment.

This month I, Tyrell Black have been selected as a featured spotlight artist among 2 others Quammie Williams & Katlym Addison. Individually & together, we represent Black Canadian Artists, aid in the documentation of our contributions to the arts, spread awareness and build connections! In short, we are out here making Black Canadian History!

Many Blessings to everyone on the Dance Immersion staff who helped line this all up, really appreciate the shoutouts and recognition.

If you would like to take an additional read, click the link below.

Artist Spotlight: “Spotlighting Canadian dance, drum, & theatre artists of the African- diaspora that have and continue to pave the way.”


Acknowledged in “The Oxford Handbook of Hip-Hop Dance Studies”


Byward Battles Winner!